June 2014-2nd issue
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March 2014 -1st issue
(The contents of the first issue will be transfered into separate pages with different links. Only the names of the contributors will be shown in the central page exactly like the contributors of the second -and of the next-issues)
(The contents of the first issue will be transfered into separate pages with different links. Only the names of the contributors will be shown in the central page exactly like the contributors of the second -and of the next-issues)
The Jeep That Kept Rising From the Dead
Lazarus had nothing on this battered motor vehicle. A red Jeep with a broken headlight a dent in the driver’s side door a transmission that sucks down fluid and leaks it out at the same time. It guzzles gasoline like an alcoholic during Happy Hour. This Jeep has a muffler with a hole and it wakes up the neighbors (when it actually runs). It’s a sorry excuse for a car and it hasn’t passed inspection since 2009 Its roadworthiness is questionable at best. Nothing can kill it. It rises from the dead every time just like Lazarus. Except Jesus isn’t around to perform miracles anymore. My son and his friends keep it on life support. But for how long? Katley Demetria Brown 2014 |
Love is Sour
Sir Dilworthy Muttonchops stared at the stairs waiting for Jane, his wife who assuaged his cares. He asked himself, “Where she’s been all of this time? It cannot take so long to procure a lime”. Did she stop by to see her friend, Sally Bude or find a man with whom to do something lewd? His fears of her cheating began to retreat when a wagon from Harrod’s stopped in the street. Leaving the vehicle, he is shocked to see his wife and two men unload a potted tree. Deeply ashamed he believed his wife would lust, Dilworthy vowed that in their love he would trust. Unlimited supplies of green citrus fruits strengthened the Muttonchops’ love, limes, limbs, and roots. Jay Immel August 2012 |
Bios of this issue's poets:
Jay Immel was born in Alexandria, Virginia on June 14th 1967. He has a BA in History from the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia and an MA in History from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. He has had poetry published in five issues of "Lyrical Iowa", the journal of the Iowa Poetry Association. His most recently printed poem, "A Cut Below the Rest" is in the 2013 edition of that publication. He lives in Otley, Iowa on Lake Red Rock.
Carol Marrone, who publishes her work under the pen name Katley Demetria Brown was born in New York City and grew up in the South Bronx. She has traveled extensively in the eastern United States and Europe, and enjoys writing about people, places, nature, and everyday life, with a touch of humor. Her poetry has been published on the heliumnetwork. com website and also in the international anthologies The Art of Being Human, Volume 7, Sagittarius/Love Poems and The Art of Being Human, Volume 9. Both anthologies were edited by Daniela Voicu of Romania and Brian Wrixon of Canada. Her poetry has also been featured in avant-garde zines such as Every Reason and Sunflower Gray Productions. She lives in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA with her husband and grown daughters.
Jay Immel was born in Alexandria, Virginia on June 14th 1967. He has a BA in History from the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia and an MA in History from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. He has had poetry published in five issues of "Lyrical Iowa", the journal of the Iowa Poetry Association. His most recently printed poem, "A Cut Below the Rest" is in the 2013 edition of that publication. He lives in Otley, Iowa on Lake Red Rock.
Carol Marrone, who publishes her work under the pen name Katley Demetria Brown was born in New York City and grew up in the South Bronx. She has traveled extensively in the eastern United States and Europe, and enjoys writing about people, places, nature, and everyday life, with a touch of humor. Her poetry has been published on the heliumnetwork. com website and also in the international anthologies The Art of Being Human, Volume 7, Sagittarius/Love Poems and The Art of Being Human, Volume 9. Both anthologies were edited by Daniela Voicu of Romania and Brian Wrixon of Canada. Her poetry has also been featured in avant-garde zines such as Every Reason and Sunflower Gray Productions. She lives in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA with her husband and grown daughters.
Copyrights of all work in Fine Flu Journal remain with the writers & artists